The airfield
In order to use the airfield, you must obtain special permission (PPR) from owners pursuant to the aerodrome concession granted by the Civil Aviation Authority. This is obtain via this page
Weather data
We don`t have operational weather station at the airport at the moment.
We recomend using for weather forecast and to use TAF/METAR for the nearest airports which is ENBO 45 nm south of the field, and ENLK and ENSH northwest of the field.
Club lodge
Our Club hut can be used by visitors. Contact us for booking. We have a fireplace and there are also gas ovens for heating the room, a gas grill, kitchen, 2 beds without bed linen. Water in our tank outside the cabin is not in drinking quality and should be boiled if it is to be consumed. We can not guarantee that there is firewood or gas on the bottles at any time, please call in advance if this is desired.
Car / fence
Cars can be driven right up to the airport cabin. There is fencing around the aerodrome to keep livestock out.
There is a lot of work and some expenses to keep the airstrip and clubhouse, so payment is received with very big thanks.
The following payment methods work well:
VIPPS: Engeløy flyplass, Elvik (ENEN) or VIPPS number 699516 and choose what you want to pay for. Remember to complete the purchase, otherwise the money will not be sent.
BANK: Pay to our Norwegian account number 4509 23 43557. IBAN NO5545092343557,
SWIFT SNOWNO22. Remember to note what the payment applies.
Landing fee (one charge per day per pilot irrespective of landings) NOK 50,-
Day visit clubhouse (incl. Use of grill, gas heater, dass etc.) NOK 45,-
Accommodation club cabin NOK 75,- per person per night.